Recipe Of The Week: Simple Valentine’s Chocolate Strawberries
I’m not one who celebrates Valentine’s day, however it’s a good excuse to indulge in some chocolate, well everyday is a good excuse! So for all the chocolate lovers out there, my sister and I made this delicious and super easy recipe (supposedly) for Valentine’s day. These are great with a glass of bubbly and they are the easiest things to make! After all it’s the simple pleasures 😉
2 Strawberry punnets
100g of Green & Blacks organic dark chocolate 70%
Baking sheet
We have used dark chocolate as it’s a good contrast to the bitter sweetness of the strawberries and it is healthier. Break the chocolate into chunks and place in a heat proof bowl. Fill a pan with an inch of water and place the bowl with the chocolate on top making sure the bottom of the bowl does not touch the water in the pan. Bring the inch of water to a simmer and slowly the chocolate will start to melt. Stir the chocolate as it softens. Once melted remove the bowl from the heat.
Take the strawberries one at a time, dip them into the chocolate until the strawberry is half covered in chocolate and place on baking sheet on a plate. Once all the strawberries are done place them in the freezer for 10 minutes to set. Once ready take out and serve with a glass of champagne and enjoy! You can store the remaining strawberries in the fridge.
11th February 2016 at 4:02 pmStrawberries with chocolate are perfect for everyday. One day I will buy one of those chocolate fountains for myself. Thank you for remembering this pleasure.