Honestly Healthy Brunch + HIIP Bootcamp Pilates
On Saturday the alarm went off nice and early and off I went to the Honestly Healthy HIIP/ Bootcamp Pilates brunch event held at the Beach Blanket Babylon in shoreditch.
Thinking it was going to be a relaxing session of Pilates I was obviously proved wrong. Silly me didn’t pay attention that it was called: High Intensity Interval Pilates (HIIP), which certainly lives up to its name by being intense. The class was a mix of intensity of interval training with the control and strength work of Pilates. It was a total workout that certainly managed to work every single muscle in my body
Held by Bootcamp pilates, the class was certainly not for the faint hearted, whoever thought Pilates was easy or relaxing think again. Although it was tough it was extremely fun, upbeat and both instructors Nadine and Nick were totally awesome.
Image via Live Fashion Fit
After the 45 minute workout, my legs turned into jelly and it was time to enjoy some food. We had a delicious #alkaline nourishing brunch, recipes taken from Natasha’s book, Honestly Healthy Cleanse. The choice was between an immune boosting porridge or the full HH breakfast and of course lots of cleansing juices. I obviously opted for the second choice as I couldn’t resist some good old scrambled eggs and it was delicious!
Image via Live Fashion Fit
It was so nice to mingle with like minded people – all wanting to lead a better healthier lifestyle. It was just so inspiring and something that I needed. Last October I suffered horrible back pains which really put a downer on me and just made me think about my whole general wellbeing. It’s so nice to slowly be getting back into shape and feeling inspired by positive people.
It was such a fun experience and although I am aching all over two days on, I am so looking forward to doing more classes with Bootcamp Pilates – Hard core pilates, gotta love it! 😉
Honestly Healthy goody bag
I thought I would also share with you what I wore at the event. You can shop the look below.
Shop the look
Miss Bag
21st April 2015 at 5:50 amWell done