Fashion, Uncategorised

Fashion Illustrator Chesley McLaren

7th February 2011
Good morning from yet another dull grey breezy London. Here are some beautiful images to start the week with a bang. Whenever I see bright coloured fashion Illustrations I go weak at the knees. It’s the way the lines flow freely and the mix of colours just combine beautifully. I always find them as a great source of inspiration for putting colour schemes together.
These delicious pictures are drawn by Chesley McLaren who started out as a fashion designer after graduating but who was encouraged to show her illustrations, I think we can see why. Since then she has never looked back and has become recognised as ‘The French Illustrator in New York’. Chesley still works in the fashion world as she has just designed her new collection ‘Les Demoiselles de Mode’.
Let me know what you think, I truly love her work, so elegant and dazzling. Perfect for Mondays 🙂


  1. Meera @ firstsense

    7th February 2011 at 4:34 pm

    These are FANTASTIC! So much fun! You're right, perfect feature for a Monday!

  2. Hearthandmade

    7th February 2011 at 7:49 pm

    another person from the UK! woo! i love these!! Seriously love them 🙂

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